11/06(六) 09:30 線上開播 |
偷畫男孩 The German Lesson導演:《王冠》《寶拉:裸畫像》《雙面誘惑》《11月的孩子》【德國新導演獎得主】克利斯蒂安施沃喬夫
演員:《月亮先生》《漢娜鄂蘭:真理無懼》《噢!柏林男孩》《雙面誘惑》《亨利四世:為愛宣戰》《空中補給-解救西柏林》《帝國毀滅》《我們這一班》《生命可以重來》烏里諾森、《隱藏的生活》《吸血鬼腥靈診療》《唐喬凡尼》托拜亞斯莫瑞提、【潛力新星】湯姆格羅瑙、《親愛陌生人》《真愛LINE著你》【天才童星】李維艾森布萊特 片長:125分/分級:輔12級(MOD) 片長:125分/分級:保護級(其它平台、院線) 片長:124分/分級:保護級(DVD)修剪版 類型:劇情 發音:德語 字幕:中文 ★2020德國電影獎最佳攝影、最佳音樂提名(第70屆) ★2020德國巴伐利亞電影獎最佳攝影大獎 ★2019德國羅爾巴赫電影獎最佳攝影大獎 ★2019漢堡國際電影節最佳影片提名 ★2020荷蘭海邊電影節最佳影片(第22屆) ★2019蘇黎世電影節(第15屆) ★2019塔林黑夜電影節(第23屆) ★2020高雄電影節(第20屆) 榮獲德國奧斯卡雙料大獎提名 根據世界五十大小說〈德語課〉改編 有時你必須做一些對抗職責的事 劇情大綱 少年西吉被關在感化院囚房中罰寫作文,題目是〈善盡職責的快樂〉,瞬間思緒倒流至二戰期間:他的警察父親顏斯接獲了納粹「禁畫令」,命令他去監視畫家麥克斯一舉一動,並舉報且毀滅所有畫作。儘管麥克斯曾是顏斯的莫逆,但顏斯卻依然堅持「克盡職責」,使夾在中間的西吉陷入了掙扎。而麥克斯一句「有時你必須做一些對抗職責的事」,竟讓西吉決定違背禁令…。戰火越演越烈,記憶流淌不息…,這篇作文終於讓他看清「克盡職責」的真諦…。斯塔」,作為極右翼政黨AZD的總部。馬克烏維和袋鼠聯手鄰居IT專家瑪麗亞和她的兒子耶穌、酒吧老闆赫塔、土耳其兄弟和店主奧圖和費德列維廉,群起抵抗,奮戰到底。 Director: Christian Schwochow
Cast: Ulrich Noethen、Tobias Moretti、Tom Gronau、Levi Eisenblatter Running Time: 125mins/Rating: PG-12(MOD) Running Time: 125mins/Rating: PG-6(Digital、Theatrical) Running Time: 124mins/Rating: PG-6(DVD)Edited Version Genre: Drama Language: German Subtitle: Chinese ★Nominated-2020 German Film Awards-Best Cinematography、Best Film Score ★Won-2020 Bavarian Film Awards-Best Cinematography ★Won-2019 Guenter Rohrbach Filmpreis-Best Cinematography ★Nominated-2019 Hamburg Film Festival-Best Feature ★Won-2020 Film by the Sea-Best Film ★2019 Zurich Film Festival ★2019 Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival ★2020 Kaohsiung Film Festival Synopsis Siggi Jepsen is in Germany after the war in an institution for difficult to educate young people. He is to write an essay on the subject "The pleasures of duty", but has no idea. Only when he is locked in a cell the next day, the memories of his childhood during the Second World War break out of him: His father Jens Ole Jepsen, a police officer, was then commissioned to bring the friendly expressionist painter Ludwig Nansen a professional ban , At Nansen's surveillance, Siggi was supposed to help him at the time, but eventually he rebelled against his father, sided with the recalcitrant Nansen and hid some of the forbidden pictures, eventually leading to his stay in the asylum. |