Thomas Kutschera
Pixomondo的特效總監, 1995 年在威斯巴登獲得傳播設計師的學位。他的工作領域涵蓋劇情片、電視影集、紀錄片與廣告。他因爲HBO的《冰與火之歌:權力遊戲》而聞名。 He worked for feature, TV series, documentaries and commercials. As a 3D generalist he was envolved in all areas of the creation process: from modeling over texturing and shading, up to lighting and rendering. He is covering rigging, animation and effects as well. In 2011 he changed to pixomondo and got the opportunity to work for the dragons of game of thrones. His work got awarded several times. |
Programming for VFX - Procedural city building 城市場景特效製作
座談主持人\張晏榕Chang, Yen-Jung 2004年畢業於美國羅徹斯特理工學院(Rochester Institute of Technology)電影與動畫系(School of Film and Animation),取得藝術碩士學位(MFA),曾在美國東岸與西岸任職,擔任動畫師、藝術指導等職位。後返台獲教育部公費留學獎學金,赴澳洲墨爾本理工大學(RMIT University),2009年獲博士學位(PhD)後返台任教,目前於國立臺灣師範大學圖文傳播學系任教。曾經完成數部動畫短片創作與動畫相關專案製作,近年並從事動畫美學書籍撰寫與動畫相關影展、展覽策畫與執行。近年亦擔任包含金馬獎、台北電影節、台中國際動畫影展等國內各大影展動畫評審。 Assistant Professor Department of Graphic Art and Communication, National Taiwan Normal University Short Biography: Yen-Jung Chang studied in the School of Film and Animation in Rochester Institute of Technology, USA. After graduation, he worked as an animator in Buffalo and Los Angeles. From 2006, Yen-Jung was granted a scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan) to study for the PhD degree in the School of Creative Media, RMIT University, Australia. He obtained the PhD in 2009 and went back to Taiwan to teach in University. He has accomplished four animated short films as a film director. He is also a researcher who focuses on the area of animation theories and practices. Now Yen-Jung Chang is teaching in the Department of Graphic Arts and Communications, National Taiwan Normal University. He focused on the book writing and curating film festivals and exhibition in relation to animation in recent years. |